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6 Most Common Misconceptions about Pregnancy.

As it often turns out, the moment someone gets the news that you are pregnant, there comes a rain of bits of advice! Of course, some of them are well-meaning, but the best advice you can get is don’t follow any amateur’s advice. Moreover, the chain of this opinion giving has so much impact, that there are a few things which have eventually held their place for being true, even when they aren’t. In this segment,

BGH brings you the Top 6 most common misconceptions about Pregnancy you need to stop believing.

You should now eat for two.

Explanation: An absolute no. Being pregnant doesn’t mean you should be gobbling up food all the time because you are now ‘double’. That’s not true. Yes, you need to take some extra calories for proper development of the baby but that doesn’t mean you should be eating twice over. To know your diet better, click here.

You should be at complete rest during pregnancy.

Explanation: Many Indian families go crazy when any member of the family is pregnant. Well, that’s their way of showing love and that’s totally fine until they make you bedridden all the time. Moving around and exercising (at expert recommendation) is in fact good for your mental and physical well being. It also helps keep a check on your weight gain. So, it’s completely healthy to take a stroll or two in the mornings and evenings and further exercise to keep you fit.

You can determine the sex of the baby by the way shape of your stomach.

Explanation: It is believed that if a woman is carrying low it is a boy and if she is carrying high, it’s a girl. This conception has no scientific basis. The shape of your belly depends on the position of the fetus and your muscle size and structure. It has nothing to do with the sex of the baby.

If you suffer from heartburn, you will have a hairy baby.

Explanation: It is a common myth that if a woman suffers from heartburn, the baby will be born with lots of hair. It’s far from true. Heartburn is one of the common conditions during pregnancy. You should avoid spicy food to get rid of it. If it’s excessive, you need to book an appointment with your doctor instead of waiting for a hairy baby!

You should not eat papayas during pregnancy.

Explanation: You can have papayas during pregnancy but it should be fully ripe papaya. In fact, ripe papayas are a good source of Vitamin C and E. It also contributes to adding fibre and folic acid to your diet. However, unripe papayas are harmful as it has some substances which can cause uterine contractions and create complications. Nowadays, the excessive use of chemicals to ripen fruits faster make it difficult to identify a naturally ripen papaya. Therefore, doctors don’t openly advice to have it in your diet.

Eating certain foods can make your baby dark or fair.

Explanation: Some people believe that taking caffeine or iron supplements can make your baby dark and consuming saffron can make it fair. That’s not true. Even though caffeine is generally to be avoided during your pregnancy days (can take small amounts after medical checkup), iron is important for your body. Also, saffron cannot make your baby fairer. The colour of the baby depends on the genes of the parents only.

There are many other myths and misconceptions that follow but the best way to differentiate and make the best decision is by Consulting Your Gynaecologist! If you doubt anything, don’t decide over your instincts and book an appointment at the earliest

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