To say it straight- to know is the only solution. Every year, thousands of people in India suffer from Dengue fever and a number of them succumb to the illness. The severity of the situation is evident from the state of hospitals during the beginning and end of summer.
The only way is to prevent it as there is no medication available yet. And to prevent it, you must know about it. No matter how far you think you are away from it, it can reach you just by one mosquito bite. You might be making all efforts to keep your house clean and mosquito free but what about the time when you or your family members are out in the open?
So, all in all, you need to be all alert and adopt means to keep away from mosquitoes and infected persons not only within the parameters of your home but outside as well.
Knowing about the symptoms help too. As soon as you notice any of the symptoms, take the patient to a doctor nearby without delaying it. It can be managed well if detected earlier. Bansal Global Hospital provides 24×7 care to all patients and is sensitive towards the matter of mosquito-borne diseases. To know more, or to book an appointment, fill in the given form or contact the hospital directly.
About Bansal Global Hospital
A world class private hospital located in North-West Delhi, the Bansal Global Hospital offers the best treatment possible and care to its patients round the clock (24×7). The multi-specialty Bansal Global Hospital provides specialist medical and surgical care ranging from simple day-case procedures to complex surgeries, blood and other tests in our state of the art pathology lab, digital X-rays, inpatient facilities. The hospital has dedicated inpatient facility, with all fully air-conditioned ensuite rooms. Our staff offer high quality services to ensure that your stay with us is as comfortable as possible in private and discrete facilities.
Bansal Global Hospital C-10 Ramgarh,, Near Jahangirpuri Metro Station, Delhi, 110033
Bansal Fracture, Gynae and Kids Clinic, E-1086 Saraswati Vihar, Pitampura, Delhi 110034
Neo Kidz Clinic, C-38 Raj Nagar, Pitampura, Delhi 110034
Tel: 011-27636400
Dr Suresh Bansal – Specialist Orthopedic Surgeon
Dr Bimla Bansal – Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Dr Neha Bansal – Child Specialist