Recently, quite a number of cases stirred everyone where doctors were blamed for the death of the patients. Well, it is only because of the internet and other quick communication methods that these news pieces attracted the attention of all. But the ‘blaming of doctors’ is something which isn’t new in India.
We aren’t talking about the rarest of cases where the doctors aren’t really doctors (quacks) and play with people’s health and lives.
So, back to the cases, we mentioned earlier, it was found upon further investigation (because some doctors were even beaten brutally) that it wasn’t the doctor’s fault at all. Let alone the fact that a doctor can’t save everyone, here the patients showed up much after their health deteriorated to a point where there was no going back.
It has become a common practice. People consider going to unrecognized and self-claimed natural medicine centers, self-medication, and even religious babas to cure their diseases and when nothing works they come to a real doctor.
Here’s the state of the patient at this stage:
- Mentally exhausted and even harassed with all kind of bizarre treatment.
- Health deteriorates as no proper medication has been prescribed.
- If the condition is something serious, it goes back to a stage where even doctors can’t do anything.
- The patient becomes weak, even to bear further medication.
- In serious cases, there isn’t more to be done.
And still, doctors being trained to do the best in their capacity to save a life, they try their best. And when they aren’t able to fight something as inevitable as death, they are the ones blamed for it. Aggressive public harasses them ruthlessly affecting their career and mental state.
As citizens, we need to understand that we are much more responsible for our own well-being than the doctors. Medical sciences have not discovered all the causes of mortality and morbidity and maybe they won’t be able to anytime soon.
So, we need to maintain a healthy doctor-patient relationship in order to keep up the spirits of our Doctors and therefore contribute our little in motivating a healthy society.