Breast Cancer

Self-Examination for Breast Cancer at Home

Cancer is a deadly disease, no second thoughts about that. And do you know that Breast Cancer is the most common cancer in Indian women? Also, the death rates are really high, if the disease isn’t diagnosed in its earlier stages.

For various reasons, it is not always possible to visit your Gynaecologist frequently. But you need to make sure that everything’s right with your body. So, there are methods of self-examination which you can try at home to ensure that you don’t have any breast disease, mainly cancer.

Here is how you can examine yourself for breast cancer at home:

Method 1: You don’t need extra time for this. While in the shower, lightly press your breast area with your fingers. Move from the outer area to the centre. The armpit area should also be examined. If you feel any lump or abnormality, contact an experienced Gynaecologist.

Method2: When you are ready to sleep, put a pillow under your right arm and put your right hand behind your head. Now, with left hand check your right breast for any lumps. Also, squeeze the nipples to check for any lumps or discharge. It should be repeated for the left breast as well.

Method3: It can be combined with any of the above methods. Stand before a mirror preferably a full mirror or sufficiently big to see your upper body. Now, move left and right to check for any irregularities. If there is any change in colour of the nipples or any lump, you need to get it checked further. Also check by flexing your chest muscles by putting your hands on your hip.

Mammograms are the best way to detect cancer even before a lump forms or before any physical changes happen due to cancer. So, you should definitely fit it into your schedule, even if it’s not frequently. Your Gynaecologist can suggest you what interval works as per your age, weight, and other health graphs.

But as a way of precaution, the above self-examination methods suffice to find if there is something physically wrong with your breasts which need attention.

To consult one of the Best Gynaecologists in Delhi NCR, please visit Bansal Global Hospital.

Self-Examination for Breast Cancer at Home - Bansal Global Hospital
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Self-Examination for Breast Cancer at Home - Bansal Global Hospital
Cancer is a deadly disease, no second thoughts about that. And do you know that Breast Cancer is the most common cancer in Indian women?
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Bansal Global Hospital
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