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What Is Lupus And What Causes Lupus?


Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system of the body gets hyperactive and assaults healthy tissue over time. Lupus is sometimes referred to as the “disease of a thousand faces” due to its complexity.

What are the causes of Lupus?

Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which your immune system assaults healthy body tissue. Lupus is most likely caused by a mix of your genetics and your environment.
It indicates that persons who have a hereditary susceptibility to lupus may get the disease if they come into contact with a trigger in the environment. However, in the vast majority of instances, the cause of lupus is unknown. The following are some possible triggers:
Sunlight. In persons with lupus, exposure to the sun might cause skin lesions or induce an internal response.
Infections. Infections can trigger lupus or trigger a relapse in some persons.
Medications. Certain blood pressure drugs, anti-seizure medications, and antibiotics can all cause lupus. When people with drug-induced lupus cease taking the medicine, their symptoms normally improve. Symptoms can sometimes last long after the medicine is stopped.

What are the symptoms of Lupus?

The symptoms of lupus occur in times of flare-ups. Between flare-ups, people usually experience times of remission, when there are few or no symptoms. But following symptoms might occur:

Other complications might include: Infection. You’re more likely to get: Infection if you have lupus. Because both the disease and its therapies can impair the immune system, people with lupus are more susceptible to infection.
Cancer. It appears that having lupus increases your risk of cancer, but the danger is minimal.
Death of bone tissue. When the blood flow to a bone decrease, microscopic breaches in the bone form, eventually leading to the bone’s collapse.
Complications of pregnancy: Miscarriage is more likely in women with lupus. During pregnancy, lupus raises the risk of high blood pressure and preterm birth. Doctors frequently advise deferring conception until your disease has been under control for at least six months to lessen the risk of severe consequences.

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