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Does a cord around the neck of the foetus calls for a Caesarean?



Normal v/s Caesarean is an ever going debate when it comes to pregnant women. Both have its own pros and cons. The choice is yours generally but when there is danger to the baby or mother, gynaecologists frequently recommend caesarean.

One of the most common reasons for caesarean is when the foetus happens to somehow get a cord around the neck. So, is it necessary in such a condition to go for caesarean? Well, the condition is of course tricky but it isn’t 100% necessary in all cases to go for a caesarean.

Taking an example of a case at Bansal Global Hospital, a woman consulted our gynaecologist, Dr. Bimla Bansal at 35 weeks pregnancy because she has such a condition and others have concretely told her to go for caesarean. The lady wasn’t comfortable with it and was really scared of the procedure.

Our doctor took this lady’s fears into consideration and after carefully examining and tests and ultrasound, decided to follow vaginal delivery procedure before getting to the last option (caesarean).

Luckily and with Dr. Bimla Bansal’s expertise, the baby was delivered normally (vaginally) and now both the mother and the baby are in perfect health.

So, it isn’t just about panicking at the slightest. If your doctor is well-experienced, it is possible to go for normal deliveries in difficult situations. Of course, if the situation is too complex, our doctors handle it differently and go for caesarean as the last resort (unless chosen by the couple.

If you are an expecting mother with cord around the neck of the baby detected in ultrasound, you can connect with our gynaecologist to refrain from caesarean delivery straight away!

You can also book an appointment with Dr. Bimla Bansal and discuss your case, if you have any doubts. Women and child care is our topmost goal at BGH. We also have ICU and NICU facilities for the mother and baby respectively in case the need arises.

Article Name
Does a cord around the neck of the foetus calls for a Caesarean | BGH
Normal v/s Caesarean is an ever going debate when it comes to pregnant women. Both have its own pros and cons. The choice is yours generally.
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Bansal Global Hospital
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